Hello! My name is Priyam. I am a 2nd year Master’s student at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science. I’m studying natural language processing and machine learning under the Intelligent Information Systems program in the Language Technologies Instititue.

4665 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, Sept 30th 2022.

I spend my time between theoretical ML courses, applied NLP courses, graduate research, and playing tennis and the guitar. Here’s a list of courses I have completed so far (some links are from previous iterations, since many classes have moved to Piazza for hosting coursework and logistics)

  • 10-701 (Intro to ML PhD, ML Department)
  • 36-700 (Probabilitiy and Mathematical Statistics, Stats Department)
  • 10-725 (Convex Optimization, Stats Department)
  • 10-708 (Probabilistic Graphical Models, ML Department)
  • 11-711 (Advanced NLP, LTI Department)
  • 11-777 (Multimodal ML, LTI Department)
  • 11-751 (Speech Recognition and Understanding, LTI Department)
  • 11-767 (On-Device Machine Learning, LTI Department)

My research is focussed on applied NLP (summarization, multi-modal QA, on-device NLP). Most recently, my work on analyzing text-summarization datasets was published in ACL 2021 (How Well Do You Know Your Summzarization Datasets?).

I joined CMU in Fall 2021, and I graduate in December 2022. Over the summer, I intered in Adobe’s CoreML team, where I worked on probabilitic stream-processing algorithms.

Before CMU, I worked as a Data Scientist at Flipkart.com for more than 4 years. At Flipkart I built models for estimating shipment delivery times for online orders, and internal logistics. I also contributed to different parts of our in-house geocoding platform. Some of this work was published in ACM SIGSPATIAL 2020 (A Geocoding Framework Powered By Delivery Data).

I created this website to organise and track my personal projects, many of which are gathering dust in the ye_olde_projectz directory. Some of these are overnight hacks (Monkeys Typing Shakespeare), others are more ambitious which just don’t seem to end (Learning to Transduce).

Do drop a note if you thought was helpful!

This website was made using Jekyll and the minima theme.