I went back to reading about TrueSkill, with some vague ideas about adding things like home-advantage, injuries, etc. In the past, I have tried to derive EP updates manually. Even for relatively “trivial” problems it just takes too long. Instead, I started searching for black-box inference techniques. I remembered having played around with PyMC3, and that is supported a framework called ADVI. And that’s where I started – with the ADVI paper. As I worked my way down the rabbit hole of references, I came across AEVB.

Consider the factor graph for TrueSkill.

A factor graph of the TrueSkill model for interactions between three teams (1 v 2 v 1).

The goal is to estimate the lantet variables (i.e. skills $\mu, \sigma$), given the observed data (i.e. win/loss events). Note that we only have access to the observed data $x$ – all variables in this graph ($s_i, p_i, d_i, t_i$) are latent variables $z$ introduced by the user. We want an estimate over the probability distribution

\[p(z \mid x) = \frac{p(x \mid z) p(z)}{p(x)}\]

For many model descriptions (particularly complex ones) this is intractable.

  • For the TrueSkill factor graph, the likelihood is a truncated distribution, along with additions and subtractions of gaussians.
  • The denominator would require an integrals over all latent variables.

Variational Bayesian Methods offer a solution:

  1. Devise an approximate model $q_\phi(z \mid x)$ (aka recognition model) that is well known and tractable.
  2. Find parameters $\phi$ which minimizes $\text{KL}(q \mid\mid p)$.
  3. In many cases, you cannot minimize the KL directly, and so you optimize for a different formulation.

This procedure is NOT straightforward.

  • You have to make very conscious choices about the form of $q$ so that it remains tractable.
  • Even then, all updates have to be derived manually.
  • Update derivations for relatively trivial problems are fairly involved. In the Clutter Problem from Minka’s thesis on page 21, the condensed update equations for a single latent parameter span a page and half!

It turns out, that minimizing the KL is equivalent to maximizing the evidence lower-bound (ELBO) – you can show that log-likelihood of the data equals to ELBO + KL (Understanding the Variatioal Lower-Bound).

\[L = \text{log }p(X) - \text{KL}[q(z) \mid \mid p(Z \mid X)]\]

The ELBO can be defined as

\[\begin{align} & L = \text{E}_q[\text{log }p(X, Z)] + H[Z] \\ & H[Z] = - \text{E}_q[\text{log }q(Z)] \end{align}\]

So, we have established that minimizing the KL-divergence is equivalent to maximizing the ELBO. And we also have a formulation of the ELBO. What if we treat this as the objective, and use SGD to find the latent parameters? This is explored in the AEVB paper.


You have a dataset $X$ consisting of $N$ i.i.d. samples. Each point $x^i$ can be continuous or discrete. Data is generated in a 2 step process:

  1. A value $z^i$ is sampled from the latent variable $z$ with prior probability $p(z)$.
  2. A value $x^i$ is generated according to conditional probability distribution $p(x \mid z)$.

$z$ is unseen and all parameters in its densities are unknown; if $p(x \mid z)$ is a neural network, then its weights are the parameters $\theta$. We want to estimate the parameters, and the latent variables.

A major contribution of AEVB, is that it makes NO simplifying assumptions about the posterior $p(z \mid x)$, or the marginal $p(x)$. Rather, the authors are interested in generic framework that is applicable in the following scenarios:

  1. Intractability: Models were the marginal $p(x)$ is intractable, the posterior is intractable, and any integrals required for mean-field approaches are also intractable. In mean-field VI, you introduce an approximation of the true posterior $q_{\phi}(z \mid x)$, and ensure that $q_{\phi}$ can be factorized into some well-known distributions which are tractable. AEVB assumes this form is also intractable.
  2. Large datasest: Applications where full batch optimization and large-scale sampling methods are not possible. In such cases, mini-batche approach is better suited.

Why call it “Encoder-Decoder”?

From coding theory perspective, $z$ can be interpreted as a latent representation, or a code. Hence, the approximation $q(z \mid x)$ can be thought of as an encoder – given datapoint $x$, the encoder generates a distribution over values of $z$ from which the datapoint $x$ could have been generated.

Similarly, we refer to $p(x \mid z)$ as a decoder that generates a distribution over $x$.

In effect, we are trying to estimate the parameters and the latent variables by:

  1. Estimating the (distribution over) the lantent variables.
  2. Sampling from the latent distribution.
  3. Reconstructing the sample using the likelihood $p(x \mid z)$


We want to find $q_\phi$ that is closest to $p_{\theta}(z \mid x)$. KL divergence gives is one measure. But minimizing it directly is not possible.

ELBO reformulation.

We only care about Eq.3. Expectation is w.r.t $q_\phi$: $\sum_{z} q_\phi (z \mid x)\ \text{log}\ p_\theta(x \mid z)$.

How to interpret this formulation?

The 2nd term is log-likelihood of the given input, for the $z$ that we have sampled. This term will be maximized only when the highest probability is assigned to the original/true value of $x$. Think of this as the reconstruction error.

The first term (KL divergence) is a form of a regularizer. Think back to the normal non-probabilistic auto-encoder.

A standard autoencoder.

There is a chance that the network learns to copy the input in the code.

  • Limit the number of units – forced to learn only the most representative features.
  • Corrupt the input, but use the original in the reconstruction – downsample, noise, etc.

This term forces the encoding to be similar to the prior distribution – if your prior $p(z)$ is a Normal, then this will force the codes to resemble Normals.

There are also some other advantages of sampling:

  • It automatically acts as a noise inducer – because you expect similar outputs from nearby samples of a code.
  • This is what also ensure a smooth interpolation between two points in the codes space.

SGVB estimator

We want to take derivatives of the ELBO w.r.t $\theta, \phi$ and then optimise using SGD, Adam etc. One issue is that $z$ is still a random variable : $z \sim q_\phi(z \mid x)$. The paper proposes tranform to a differentiable function:


This leads to the following approximation of the ELBO:

ELBO with sampling.

which can be used with mini-batches, and a single sample L=1.

Minibatch estimator.

Re-parameterization Trick

In some conditions, it is possible to express random variable z as a deterministic variable z = g(e, x), where $g$ is parameterized by phi.

The Normal auxiliary varriable for the AEVB Reparameterization Trick.

AEVB Algorithm

AEVB algo.

And that’s it!

The Re-Parameterization trick was the last piece of the puzzle. To train a Variational Auto-Encoder for generating MNIST digits:

  1. Feed the Encoder model the input image; this will generate the latent codes.
  2. If you have $k$ Gaussian codes, you will generate two vectors of size $k$: one for the means, and the other for the sigmas.
  3. Using the re-parameterization trick, we sample from our auxiliary random variable, scale the sigmas and add to the means.
  4. We feed this to the decoder, which tries to reconstruct the original image.
  5. The loss function accounts for both terms (reconstruciton, and prior regularization).

I’ll try to implement a version of this over the next few weeks. Meanwhile, here’s a list of some things I did not discuss…

  • Other ELBO estimators, and their tradeoffs. There is a estimator that does not include KL divergence. Another one does not use the Reparameterization Trick, and has higher variance.
  • Suggestions on the deterministic differentiable transform function – you can use more than just Gaussians as priors.
  • Form of the encoder has a diagonal covariance – assumes all “codes” are independent. This might make some sense for simplistic datasets like imagenet: code0 represents number, code1 represents size, code2 represents thickness, code3 represents tilt, etc … But might not make sense for others. This also simplifies computation – encoder output is just 2xK, where K is dim size of z – first K values are the means, and next K are the std deviations.
  • This only works for continuous latent variables – as with SGD. Paper mentions 1 other paper that has comparable time-complexity and is also applicable for discrete vars.